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The curse of productivity

You know her. She not only does her job but yours too. She keeps the office running, the clients happy, the coffee brewing. She brings in the business, balances budgets, comforts children. She is synonymous with success and both hers and yours are dependent upon her performance.

But is she so indispensable in her current capacity that she is overlooked, underestimated, passed over for fear that she won't be there to do all the things, keep all the trains running, keep you functioning? 

Women are amazing at multitasking. For those who say no one multitasks well, stop judging a man's performance at multitasking. They can't do it. Women can. It's truth. 

Maybe this master skill is our major hurdle to the White House.

I'm not one who feels the need to trumpet the cause of gender equality with a grand dissidence for the male population. I think men and women are equally capable. The tone of the discussion can quickly turn sour and harm us all. Still, I believe it is critical to find opportunities to examine why we find ourselves in lesser positions with lesser pay too often.

By being awesome, by multitasking, by doing all the things, has the power of productivity hindered our progress?

It's hard to shatter the glass ceiling if we don't have the time to train, to practice, to arm ourselves, take aim and shoot with the precision necessary to shatter that ceiling for once and all.

In my inherent nature lies not only the ability but the desire to be all, do all for everyone. My husband does not do this. He knows what he is good at, drills down and does that. Why does it feel so terrible to admit I can't do or simply don't want to do something? 

I think the advancement of women everywhere is dependent upon carving out the capacity to chase our dreams with reckless abandon. 

What are you best at?

What sets you apart?

What can be delegated, relegated, dismissed to allow you to soar?

Answer these questions and then do those things. Our daughters depend on it.

Jenna WorthenComment